All-In-One Security Review

All-In-One Security (AIOS) is the plug-in that I choose to protect my site. I chose this plug-in because it was highly rated on the plug-in site right within WordPress but then after visiting their website, I also noticed how highly rated they were on there. While I was reviewing their website I noticed how straightforward it was to set up, so I decided to install and activate it on my WordPress site.

I must say that it was super easy to activate, from what I could tell you just need to click the setup button that it first prompts you with, and then you should go into each section to make sure that it is doing exactly what you want it to do. Of course, I am only using the free version, so there are many things that I was not able to access. But below I will discuss what comes along with the free version and further into why this plug-in is the one that I choose for my site.

The main reason that I chose this plug-in was because it requires the use of strong passwords. they offer a tool that helps you to come up with a good and strong password to use. The second reason that I chose this plug-in was because it has a feature called login lockout. This feature limits the number of attempts for external users. This feature also can lock out users with invalid usernames. And lastly, it also offers unique administration accounts, they call this feature Role Specific Configuration. They require their Admin to have Two-Factor Identification so that others can’t log in to their role.

Password Manager Comparison

After doing some research, the two password managers that I’ve decided to compare are 1Password and Dashlane. These were two highly rated managers from what I could tell. 1Password was higher rated than Dashlane in the particular article that I was reading, but when I did a simple search on the internet, 1Password was also one of the top “sponsored” applications.

Let’s dive a little deeper into these password managers so that we can get a good understanding of both and see which one you would choose over the other.


The first one we will discuss is 1Password since it seems rated higher. The price of the tool depends on what you will be using it for, either business or personal. Since I would only be using it for myself, we will select personal. Then from this point, it is a family plan, costing $4.99 per month, or an individual plan, costing $2.99 per month. With both of these options, there is also a 14-day trial to test out and see if it is the password manager for you. One of the Pros of this password manager is that it is trusted by over 150,000 businesses such as Canva, Under Armour, Salesforce, and so many more. There are also plug-ins for this application, which makes it easy to generate and edit new passwords on the go. Another major pro for those who frequently travel internationally, or just travel in general, there is a feature called “Travel Mode” that you can switch on so that you can delete any sensitive data from your devices before you travel and then restore it with a click after you’ve crossed a border or gotten to your destination.

One of the main cons of 1Password is that they use combination keys to unlock your passwords. The first of the combination is your password, then the second is an addition;a generated secret key. While it may add an another layer of protection, it also means that in order to access your passwords your using something that you did not create.

The level of ease is very easy. It doesn’t seem complicated to get started and it is very nice that they offer a trial run. This makes it seems way less intimidating and if you were to try it and find that you did like it, to set up your payment is very simple. The site is also very straightforward as to what comes with your package that you choose.


The pricepoint of Dashlane also has a business and personal use, so like we did before we will just be looking at the personal use. This one is set up a little differently than 1Password. There is a free version, a premium version, and a family and friends version. Free is obviously free, but there is limited access with this version. The premium version is $4.99 per month and you get a much greater access. And finally the friends and family version costs $7.49 per month.

One of Dashlane’s biggest pros is that it now has a feature, that many other’s have addaptived since, that it can detected any stolen or leaked personal information. It will then aleart you so that you can either remove the data and/or change your passwords. Dashlane also offers a 30-day free trial to test out it’s offerings. Like 1Password it is among one of the most trusted password managers, and is used by companies such as Sephora, BBC Studios, AirFrance, Michelin, and so many more.

One of the main cons is that Dashlane doesn’t offer a desktop model for it’s application. You are only able to use it once you open a web browser. Another con is that you are only able to try out the 30 day free trial on the premium and on the business section, the business plan. For the business plus, you must request a demo.

Overall, the password manager seems incredibly user friendly and the site provides an abundance of information along with a chat bot for questions. They even provide a contact button at the top of their page if you were not able to find the answer that you were looking for.

Study Abroad with NWTC

NWTC offers so many opportunities to study abroad and in so many different countries. Nowhere on their home page does it say anything about studying abroad. This is one key major event that they are missing out on, and it shows within their Google Analytics. There are three spots on the Pages and Screens section where people are looking for Study Abroad. The first one is number 138, then 184, and finally 250.

They could boost the amount of pages views to their Study Abroad section if they were to advertise it a little more on their home page, or even just on a drop now menu. They could even create a sub-drop-down menu in the “Areas of Study” section.

There are so many students at NWTC who would love to study abroad, but they either don’t know enough about it or they don’t know how to find out more about it. This would be a great opportunity for them to give students more information without it costing them a whole lot of money.

Canvas Portal- Home Page NWTC Website

After looking on Google Analytics, specifically in the organic search section, I noticed that the top 10 searches were for Canvas. Students who don’t have the site bookmarked are probably just searching for it on the internet because the process to get to it from the homepage takes many more steps.

I think that NWTC would get more traffic to their website if they put a Canvas button right on their home page or even in one of the drop-down menus. It would make it a lot easier for students to find instead of clicking on the student portal, logging in, and then clicking on the canvas button. I think it is important for NWTC to make things as easy as possible for students, especially when it is as simple as something like this.

I think this could also be a great way to incorporate a banner at the top of the NWTC website if they are not wanting to keep it at the top of the page all of the time. It would only rotate every 4 to 5 slides.

Take A Class Section-NWTC Website

With it being so close to the second 8-week session, I thought that the “Take A Class” section on the NWTC website would have been ranked higher on the Event Name section on Google Analytics. I know there are a lot of students who just enrolled in both the first and second sessions at the same time, but I also know that there are a lot of students who may be joining during the second 8-week session.

The second reason for this being surprising to me is that this “Take A Class” button is located in two spots on the NWTC home page. Firstly it is big and right on the first page next to “Explore Programs” and then also in the drop-down menu of the Academics and Trainings.

Maybe it really is too early for students to want to be enrolling in classes and that is why it is ranked lower than I had anticipated. If this is the case, then the banner at the top should change when it is not enrollment period or possibly change to one that rotates. This way students see something new when they come to the NWTC page or they see more than one thing before they even take a scroll.

How to Reset Your Password

In order to access the student portal and your student email you are required to use your Student ID number or student email and then the password that you set up. The way that NWTC has it set up is that your password expires every certain amount of days (60-90 days?). When your password is going to expire NWTC sends an email that tells you, “In 15 days your password is going to expire, please reset it.” It provides you a link to be able to reset it in the email, but many people don’t often read emails or read them all the way through. They may only look at the subject line of the email. Students may go directly to the NWTC website to try to look up how to reset their password.

While looking through the Google Analytics reports, there are a number of students who actually do this. Just in the last 7 days, there have been over 1,000 views of the password reset page located on the student login page, in the technology section.

I feel as though this Password Reset page would get far more use, and easier to locate if it were in the “Student Experience” tab. This way it is at the top of the page, it is something simple that students are looking for that could take less than 1 minute for them to find.

IT Job Fair

Are you a student who needs to make connections, are a new student looking to see what’s out there in the industry for jobs, or are you a recently graduated student looking for job?

Then this is the job for you! Come and discover some of the most innovative places in Green Bay and surrounding cities for IT jobs. These companies/individuals will be willing to give you all the information you need or the keys to your success as you move through the next phase of life, whatever that may be.

The job fair will be help in the second 8 week session on February 23rd from 11:00am-2:00pm. To see a list of some of the vendors that have already signed up, click the link below!

NWTC College of Business, IT, and Digital Arts Career Fair

Come to see who is hiring in the Green Bay and surrounding areas!

Tuesday, September 10th, 2024
11:00am - 2:00pm

Location: College of Business Building

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